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Choose one of our service plan options
Be sure to review our service plan coverage area map.

 No activation fee

No contracts or cancellation fees

You may cancel a plan or begin a new plan at any time

All S4 emergency calls to 911 are FREE

 All Service Plans use a special version of T-Mobile that has automatic roaming to AT&T; when necessary

Customer support via email or phone is provided for all service plans.


911SafeTrack Service - Basic

Item #STBM1 - Monthly fee is $11.49

Item #STBA1 - Annual subscription is $119.00 - Saving $18.88 over monthly

Multiple Service Discount – If order quantity is two or more for the Basic Annual Subscription, each Subscription receives an $8 discount.” 

Basic Plan provides:

911SafeTrack Service - Silver

Item #STSM1 - Monthly fee is $18.99

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Item #STSA1 - Annual subscription is $199.00 - Saving $28.88 over monthly

Multiple Service Discount – If order quantity is two or more for the Silver Annual Subscription, each Subscription receives a $12 discount.” 

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Silver Plan Provides: