Protect Your Classic Car Lot with the S4

Do you have a lot with classic cars? Is one of your top priorities to keep them safe? The 911SafeTrack S4 can help.

At the 13th Annual Custom & Classic Car Show held on May 4th on the Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) campus, 911SafeTrack had a wonderful opportunity to see a record number of amazing vehicles (243) of every size, shape, and description competing for trophies. We look forward to heading back to the SVCTE campus soon to talk with the students about developing and working with S4 products.

While at the car show we learned from an officer who has been with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) for over 20 years that every morning they receive an updated list of stolen vehicles. That nationwide list has about 200,000 vehicles! He was really impressed with what the S4 can do.

Contact us today for more information on how the S4 will keep your lot safe! Call 877-427-7294 or email us at You can also visit our website to learn more about the S4 here:

Here are some photos from the car show:

One lucky raffle winner took home an S4

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